Sunday, May 3, 2009

Davis 1st Birthday @ Adiamo Clubhse, 2nd May 2009

I've got so many people that I need to thank in here.. However the 1st person I want to thank so much is my Dear God. Thank you God for making this happen on this very special day. Thank you for the fine weather and great company that we have. Indeed without you, we wouldn't be all this happy to celebrate this joyous occasion. It has been a wonderful 1 year with Davis that contain countless moment of joy and tears.. You were there to share with us..
Thanks to Huisi Ah yi and Uncle KE for that video montage of Davis. We didn't screen it during the party as there was no projector and screen.. Still we love it very much..

I want to thank Sheena and Moey for letting me cook at their house and making it so messy and noisy till wee hours.. My other friends includes Shirley, Arlene, Kate and their hubbies. Thanks for accompanying and also helping me to do the food preparation..

Thanks Shirley for helping me to wash so many dishes and baking the cupcakes even though she's very pregnant now and still stayed till the end with us.

Thank you Arlene for making the Ang Ku Kueh, cause I was in a lazy mood to look at the instructions and recipe that Sheena had handwritten from the net even though I still had full bar of energy in me. The ang ku kueh taste great! Thanks for helping me to decorate the cupcakes and make it so wonderfully pretty.

Our Cute Mickey Mouse cupcakes

Thank Kate for helping me to fry the beehoon and also cracking up yellow jokes that made us laugh so much..

Thanks Moey for helping me to look after Davis all the time and running up and down to get things for me.

Thanks Juliet for helping me to set up the decoration as I was still very busy heating up the Ang Ku Kueh at the very last minutes and I still haven't bath yet.

Thanks Edwin for being our photographer and also doing up the decoration for us..

Thank to my hunny that accompanied me all this while hunting for the right birthday cake. I wasn't impressed with the very little selection of mickey mouse cake that local bakery offer and hence we search alot of places for the perfect one..

Our cake for Davis

Thank you my dear friends for helping me do the otah and many other things. Thank for staying up so late and still have to get up that early to continue with the cooking..
There are so many other people that I want to thank, sorry that I missed you.. I remembered.. Thank people, but I have no salary for you. Keekee.

And lastly, to all my guests. Thank you for spending this Saturday afternoon with us and also for the presents and red packets.

We are so blessed to have you guys celebrate Davis first birthday with us..

I'll upload more photos of Davis 1st Birthday in my facebook once I get them from our photographer, Edwin..

Keep a lookout people..

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