Monday, March 16, 2009

The birthday cake story and Davis

I wanted to make a cake for Sheena 23rd birthday using fondant which I am so not familiar with. The show, Ace of cake on food network, make it seems so easy to use. So I've decided to try it out myself..

Even baked the cake.. Borrowed the cake tin and parchment paper from Shirley. I got up early on Saturday morning and started baking..

In the end I couldn't bear to see Sheena blowing the candle on an ugly fondant cake, so I went to bought her one instead.. The auntie that wrote those words spelled her name wrongly.. I told her the spelling and she repeated to me, but still got it wrong.. And angmos, they always make it seems like its no big deal.. All the time..

This is Davis sleeping on the floor cause he was crying and acting naughty, so I didn't bother to entertain him, after a short while there was some silence. When I peek into the room, he was fast asleep.. Clever boy sure know how to make himself comfortable.. Using his M&M beanie as a pillow..

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